Hello world, I'm Christian
I'm a software engineer looking to make
a positive impact on others through intuitive
applications and creative problem solving.

My name is Christian Espinosa and I'm a pre-physical therapy grad turned software engineer.
My journey began when I started some beginner Ruby courses to develop a foundational understanding of coding. This led me to enroll in App Academy, a rigorous software development program. During those intense 4 months I devoted 80-100 hours a week to sharpening my skills in software engineering, gaining proficiency in a multitude of languages such as React, JavaScript, and PostgreSQL.
This experience has instilled in me a strong drive for continuous learning and growth. I am very excited to apply my newfound expertise and passion for software engineering to make a meaningful impact in the industry.
This was the first project I developed at App Academy, and my introduction to JavaScript.
I built this application in about 3 days using JavaScript and the OpenWeather API.
Weatherbird is an intuitive and user-friendly weather application. Users can find the most up-to-date weather
information and forecasts for any location in the world. Users are guided through their experience by a tiny mascot
named Birdy.
This was the second project I developed at App Academy, my personal favorite and the one I am most proud of.
A responsive full-stack website inspired by an instant noodle e-commerce site called Future Noodles. This application was built
in just under 4 days using Ruby on Rails on the backend, and React for the frontend.
This was the third and final project I completed at App Academy. I collaborated with 4 other developers to create this using
a completely new stack, MERN, in only 4 days.
Smooth is an intuitive trip planning application built with the MERN stack. Users can search for activities/experiences
based on location, price, and time available. Users can then drag and drop those experiences into their itinerary.
Languages and technologies that I am experienced in.